Clare’s Journey
Clare’s Journey
Please read my story below written by my children for my Just Giving page.
I do have an update too – I have now completed my Stem Cell Transplant and am recovering extremely well. I have just returned from holiday and feel so healthy, the healthiest I’ve felt for at least 4 years.
The Connelly brothers, Billy and Arthur, have decided to raise money for a charity that is very close to the hearts of us all in the Connelly family – the Amyloidosis Research Fund. By doing so, the brothers have decided to shave their heads to commemorate our incredibly brave Mum, who has battled a remarkable amount over the course of the past year and a half…
Our Mum was diagnosed with Amyloidosis and Myeloma last February, following a worrying few months of her being in and out of hospital – including intensive care at Christmas time – before her treatment became necessarily focused on Cardiac Amyloidosis. This took us all for surprise, given that our Mum was, and still continues to be, running around after everyone else, regardless of her own personal struggles, as the absolute matriarch of our family.
After the diagnosis last February, our Mum was put on course for chemotherapy treatment to clear the Amyloid deposits that were evidently causing her unprecedented issues – a very testing and difficult time (Covid-19 aside!). This chemotherapy treatment was completed in August last year; this put her on track for a Stem Cell Transplant ASAP, given that her recovery was continuing to progress in the fashion it was upon her treatment completion.
Her Stem Cell Transplant has been scheduled for 16th April, meaning she will undergo intense chemotherapy again (with a much harsher dosage this time around), which is followed by the reinstatement of her stem cells that were previously harvested in an attempt to ‘replace the old with the new’ over the next few weeks. This does, unfortunately, mean she will lose her hair – hence why the boys are choosing to complete this head shave in an attempt to raise money for the Amyloidosis Research Fund.
We are asking for any donations – no matter how big or small – to both raise awareness for this incredibly important cause, which is so important to the individuals and families of those who have been affected by such a challenging and rare illness, and our incredibly brave Mum.
You are such an inspiration to us all, Mum, and we know you will take this next, incredibly tough, step well in your stride – just like you have throughout your entire treatment thus far.
All our love,
The Connelly Clan x
Clare’s Journey – Clare – United Kingdom